(original application to eLife is here)

The problem

In recent years, there has been an explosion of interest in post-publication peer-review, with many models proposing multidimensional article-level ratings (e.g., Kriegeskorte, 2012, Frontiers in Computer Neuroscience) as an alternative to unidimensional journal-level metrics (e.g, the journal impact factor). In line with these ideas, a growing number of preprint review platforms now solicit reviewers’ ratings of preprints on multiple dimensions (e.g. PREreview, Plaudit, Scibase, Rapid Reviews Covid-19, Crowdpeer; see Reimagine Review for more examples). Presently, however, these ratings remain siloed within each project, limiting the interoperability, searchability, and comparison between sites, and preventing research that could otherwise be conducted into the nature of these ratings and how they relate to real-world outcomes (e.g. citations, patents, replicability).

Additionally, it remains difficult for stakeholders (e.g. researchers, journalists, administration staff) to identify which preprints/articles have been peer-rated, nor where to find such ratings. This lack of transparency limits the exposure of the evaluations, and makes it hard for readers to identify whether a newly published preprint has been evaluated or not. Highlighting this information could help limit the impact of low quality research, such as the large number of low-quality preprints that have been promoted by the media throughout the COVID pandemic.

The solution

We propose to develop a central database for organising and storing multi-dimensional point-based article ratings. This database will serve two key purposes: (1) to amalgamate ratings from different preprint review platforms into a single location, and (2) to help researchers/journalists identify and find peer ratings of articles/preprints. Ratings will be stored in a common machine-readable format and linked to the original article and source of the rating (i.e. review platform). Articles will be identified using DOIs.

In the future, we anticipate that this database could be expanded to serve other purposes, for example, storing evaluation data collected during meta-research experiments (e.g. replicability ratings collected under the RepliCATS program), allowing peer reviewers at traditional journals to enter ratings submitted during the peer review process, and/or amalgamating multiple ratings across different sites (subject to appropriate research on this topic).

Proposed work at Sprint

For each deliverable, we will identify key users (e.g., meta-researchers, librarians, journalists), write user stories to understand their needs, and conduct functionality tests for the key users.


Deliverable 1: Prototype database

Deliverable 2 (subject to time and relevant skills): Database API

Deliverable 3 (subject to time and relevant skills): Web interface to visualise the API